The Vanishing Half - Brit Bennet
The hype about this book is true. Once I started reading, I could not put it down easily. I've never thought reading about uncomfortable truths across all kinds of discriminations and violence could bring me excitement and joy, but this book did. I tried to learn as much about the time (60s - 80s) the book passed through to understand the characters better. The chapters going back and forth in time helped me to focus on the importance of those era. My own big fault is that if the time is set pre 1990, I tended to blend them all in as a big one past. Even bigger fault is to think of the big blob of the past as equivalently to "90s" which compared to 2000 is a past. Something different, but nothing much and not bad. When the world changed every second, faster than it has in the past in the 90s with technological advancement, I treated prior advancement a slow changes that were never really realized till recent. How wrong was I? Besides the clothes, I don't think I ev...